Life Update (11/8/2022)

5 min readNov 9, 2022

Life is good right now.

I remember a few years back thinking that my life was horrible and it was never going to get better.

Now, here I am, listening to the Resident Evil 4 save room theme, sipping on a diet soda, and tapping away at this blog… 11 days before I’m married to my high school sweetheart.

Can it get better than this? Yes. And it probably will.

I’m glad I gave it time to get better, to heal, to mend. Life is pretty good.


My health is doing better. I’m down 21-lbs from 245 to 224.

I haven’t been walking. I stopped the week Overwatch 2 dropped and just now started back up tonight. Somehow? I was still losing weight.

Hey, don’t look at me. I don’t have the answers, I just have the results.

I’m still eating clean. Little to no sugar. Not eating an entire plate. This is probably what’s contributing, even though my exercise has fallen off a bit.

I have an appointment with my company’s medical facility on November 14. They’ll be checking my A1C levels to determine if I’ve lost enough weight, and cut back on enough bad foods, to eliminate my prediabetes.

God, I do not want diabetes. That would be shitty. Let’s hope that, even though I’ve not been consistent these whole two months, that I’ve done enough to fix my health.

I don’t plan to stop, but I definitely don’t want the work that I have done to be for nothing.

We’ll see…


I just recently beat Dead Space.

My God. What a beautiful game.

Obviously, it’s not “beautiful”; it’s actually quite spooky and disgusting, but in a beautiful way.

I don’t play many survival/horror games, but I can say without a doubt that Dead Space easily still holds up even to this day — 14 years after its initial release.

I played on PS3. I busted out my PlayStation 3, hooked it up to Abby’s TV in our bedroom, and proceeded to give myself neck-cramps for about a month trying to finish it in bed.

I wanted to beat it during the Halloween season, but that unfortunately didn’t happen.

Still, I’ll settle for Early November.

Playing all these old games for the first time is actually amazing to me. These games have been beaten, battered, bruised, and abused by people over the years,… and I’ve never even touched them. And yet somehow I feel like they just launched when I play them.

Having a community to talk about these games with definitely helps me, too, though. It’s like every day is Friday, and every game I play, I’m throwing a launch party for.

I remember back in 6th grade, on the bus, this troublemaker friend of mine was bragging about this game and how he played it in the dark. I didn’t have a PS3 back then, and refused to hang out with him long enough to experience Dead Space at the time.

Here I am, 14 years later, post college… playing and experiencing Dead Space for the first time with my very own PS3.

Life is beautiful…

My buddy @JDavisR11 on Twitter (Davis NIX) and I started a run on Borderlands 2!

I play Axton!

We’ve been playing and talking on Discord since I got a new mic.

Our experience together so far has been really therapeutic for me. I’m not big on voice-chatting or playing multiplayer games, but I do love some old-fashioned co-op. I trust Davis since we just recently finished Resident Evil 5 together earlier this year!

I did that.

He’s a big Borderlands player, as well. He’s ran through the game numerous times, and is the perfect candidate to carry me through. He’s helped me farm infinite-ammo legendary pistols, and helped me power-level my character, Axton.

Suffice to say, I’m having a blast with my first Borderlands game, and wouldn’t mind running-and-gunning with him in 1 and 3.

Looking forward to playing more, bro!

I just recently started Resident Evil 4.

It’s another game I should have definitely beaten by now, but never brought myself to play it. I don’t really know why, but I’m finally doing it.

I’m enjoying it so far. I find the controls a bit tedious and difficult to adjust to, and the combat is pretty challenging, but I already love playing and exploring it.

I’m glad it won my Twitter poll. I still plan to play 50 games next year, so be on the look out for my Resident Evil 4 Remake run next March.


As I stated, there’s 11 days left until I’m a married man.

I’ve been with my high school sweetheart, better half, and best friend for 10 years.

Actually, we just celebrated 10 years last month.

Now we’re finally getting married.

I’m officially a nervous wreck. I think that’s normal right?

I’m not nervous about being married. I’m nervous about putting on the ceremony in front of our families.

Really, I’m just hoping everything goes according to plan — because I want her to be happy. She deserves this one day to be special and go the way she wants it to.

I’m really looking forward to my one-week vacation honeymoon with her. It’ll be nice to just be able to get away from everything and spend time with her. No work, no people, no wedding stress, no worries.

Pokémon comes out a few days before we head out. I hope she doesn’t mind if Fuecoco tags along for the ride!

So, yeah. Life is quite alright right now. It’s suspicious, I know. But I’ll take it. Life is handing me lemons… so I’ll shoot them like Mega Man!

Until next time 👋

For more Life Updates, blog posts, and video game content, please consider following me on all social media platforms via this link

Thank you to everyone who has supported me up to this point…




Writing about video games and my life with them. Follow me on my journey to clear my backlog!